Siglent SSG5060X 9 kHz~6 GHz (CW MODE) Signal Generator


SIGLENT’S SSG5060X signalgenerator can generate analog and vector signals and hase a frequency range of 9 kHz~6 GHz (CW MODE). 

The SIGLENT SSG5060X signal generator can generate analog and vector signals, with a frequency range of 9kHz to 6GHz. The SSG5000X series features the industry-leading performance in phase noise, spectral purity, bandwidth, EVM, output power measurements and tests. The internal IQ modulation generator and waveform playback function make it easy to create even the most complex signal types. They also cover the most important RF band for digital wireless communications and includes standard waveform files.The SIGLENT SSG5040X is a powerful and cost effective source that are ideal for R&D, education and manufacturing.

User interface SSG5000X Series

1. Prompt status bar 2. RF frequency 3. RF level 4. Touch screen display area: Displays the settings under each menu

Use an external USB power sensor to compensate cable losses

Key Features SSG5060X :

  • Frequency up to 6GHz
  • 0.001 Hz frequency setting resolution
  • Maximumoutput power up to +26 dBm (typ.)
  • Phase Noise: -120 dBc/ Hz @ 1 GHz, 20 kHz offset (typ.)
  • User programmable flatness correction.
  • Provides AM,FM,PM analog modulation with internal,external or Int+Ext source.
  • Single pulse, double pulse and pulse traingenerator (option)
  • Built-in digital communication standard waveform files such as 5G-NR, LTE, WCDMA, WLAN, Blue-Tooth,CDMA
  • Internal Custom mode generate common IQ signals such as QAM, FSK, ASK, MSK.
  • Analog differential I/Q outputs
  • External analog I/Q input
  • USB-power meter measurement
  • 5 inch TFT capacitieve touch screen,mouse and keyboard supported
  • Webbrowser remote control on PC and mobile terminals.
  • Standard interfaces includes USB Host,USB Device (USBTMC), LAN (VXI-11,Socket, Telnet).
  • Optiona linterface: GPIB

ARB mode to clip the signal of the peak power and display the CCDF (cytotoxic cell diff. factor)

Frequency Range CW MODE 9 kHz-4 GHz CW MODE 9 kHz-6 GHz CW MODE 9 kHz-4 GHz IQ MODE10 MHz-4 GHz CW MODE 9 kHz-4 GHz IQ MODE10 MHz-4 GHz
Frequency Resolution 0.001Hz
Amplitude Resolution 0.01dB
Phase noise -120 dBc/Hz @1 GHz, offset 20 kHz (typ.)
Display 5 inch capacitance touch screen, RGB (800*480)

Accessoires Included:

1 x Siglent SSG3060X Signal Generator
1 x Quick start Guide
1 x Guarantee Card
1 x Power Cord
1 x USB Cable

Optional Accessoires:

SSG5000X User Manual
PDF – 3,1 MB 468 downloads
SSG5000X Quick Start
PDF – 641,9 KB 875 downloads
SSG5000X Datasheet
PDF – 2,2 MB 539 downloads